Some interesting facts compiled about Providencia!
Population 200 people
only 3 different families
The first people of Providencia came only 50 years ago
Amongst one of those was Orlando's father
There are 12 coffee farms
4 are going organic! only 8 to go :)
Finally figured out the name of Juan's restaurant - Cascada de la Savagre, named after the river that runs through Providencia
Quite interesting, I thought. The short period explains a lot of how this place is so small and conserved. Hopefully, it stays this way.
For work, we put the organic fertilizer on Juan's farm first. He wasn't there because his son fell ill and they had to rush to Santa Maria. I separated 2 kg per bucket to be put under each of his approximate 500 coffee plants. After his farm, we went to work on Orlando's farm prepping the same way we did Juan's before applying the bucashi. I pretty much sweated my butt off. Heaving and huffing and puffing the whole time. So after lunch Jon told me to go home and rest instead of doing ecobricks...
I hope I'll be okay for tomorrow's free day. Tonight, we're all meeting at the restaurant and having a sleep over. We all broke into groups and made dinner. We started cooking at 7:30 and finished at 10:30pm. it was pretty good though... almost worth the wait. We made avocado dip, potato chips, potato and eggs, and cauliflower and eggs. We watched the movie Into The Wild based on the book. I've seen it before but now I remember how much I dislike the main character. That'd be another long tangent. In the morning, everyone will leave for Jon's adventure park. Hannah, Katrina and I are going with Orlando to fish and see his beehive!
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